Excerpts from

Prosperity Secrets of the Ages
Catherine Ponder

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Book Description
Learn how to channel a golden river of riches into your life! The book "The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages" by Catherine Ponder contains secret truths which will propel you towards unlimited, infinite and consistent prosperity. Reading this book will help you to manifest the consistent increase of your highest good.
The author's matter of fact writing style exhibits a refreshing purity which is a sincere actualization of her own love, faith and wisdom.

Use These  Dynamic Secrets  .  .  .  and  Draw  Into  Your  Life The Riches, Abundance and Prosperity That Should Be Yours!

* THE SECRET OF MAGNETIC PRAYER . . . Master Prayers and Verses that bring you closer to your Heavenly Father . . . that attract into your life a glorious heritage of wealth, health and good fortune.

* THE SECRET OF ETERNAL HEALTH . . . Inspired teachings that transform your body into a Divine Sanctuary, a Temple of God that has been washed of all impurities and taints, cleansed of ill health, pain and discomfort.

* THE SECRET OF RESTORATION . . . Nothing is ever truly "lost forever" . . . with this Secret, you can take comfort in the knowledge that "lost" love, friendship, health or fortune, opportunity or luck can and will return . . , twice as strong, twice as wonderful.

* THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN RIVER . . . From the Almighty Source a glittering river of courage and strength, comfort and golden blessings pours continuously into this world . . . with this secret, you can make your life a channel and reservoir for this River of Riches.

* THE SECRETS OF POWER AND PROTECTION . . . Here are ways to call upon and use the Divine Power, the Great Protector and Comforter . . . Secrets that banish fear, money-worries, health-worries, sorrow, guilt, failure and depression out of your life . . . Secrets that shield you behind a Magic Wall of inner strength and fortitude, secure against the storms and shocks of life.

* THE HIDDEN SECRETS OF THE HOLY BIBLE . . . Locked within the cryptic language of the Holy Book, veiled in obscure symbols and concealed behind legends and parables, are MIGHTY SECRETS OF POWER that can set you free forever . . . the inspired author of this book gives you new Special Prayer Techniques, Healing Prayers, Prayers for Blessings, Hidden Verses of Comfort and Strength, Secret Keys to Understanding, exact word-for-word Meditations that unlock "the Spirit of God within you"

Remember—You Can Have Everything!

You Can Have Everything!

You can have everything if you know the power that is within you and then dare to use it!

You have always used this power in some degree—often for failure. Now you can begin deliberately to release it for success; that is, for experiencing greater results of health, happiness and prosperity in your world.

Your success power is released through your mental attitudes and your emotional reactions toward life. What you think, that you become. Think straight and life becomes straight for you. It's as simple as that.


It Happened to Me

Let me tell you how I learned of this inner power for success. All my life I had attended church. In fact, every generation of our family has produced ministers; it's a family tradition. But I had never connected religion with the word "success."

Then one day, as a $25-a-week secretary, the "going got rough." Having been widowed and left with a young son to rear and support, I seemed to have nothing to look forward to but a life of struggle. My earning power seemed wholly inadequate for taking care of our current needs, much less our growing future needs. Ill health plagued me, too, as it had since childhood. Life hardly seemed worth the effort it was forcing me to make just to survive.

It was then that I began searching for a better way of life. The first ray of hope came when I began seriously reading the non-de­nominational Unity magazine on practical Christianity, which my parents had subscribed to for many years. An electrical engineer, who came to inspect the electrical plant where my father worked, had given my parents their first copy of this magazine and had spoken of its suc­cess power. Over and over the messages in that little magazine explained to me the power of thought as an instrument of success or failure, giving Bible examples to prove it.

Having nothing to lose by experimenting with these simple ideas, I began deliberately "thinking straight," in an effort to make my life straight. It worked!

Pay raises and improved working conditions came in my secretarial job, without struggle or strain on my part. My chronic bad health gradually began to improve. One health problem of many years' stand­ing began to clear up and finally disappeared completely, though our family doctor had long insisted that only major surgery would be the final answer. With these and other improved conditions that appeared, a better way of life became a reality for me.

The more I deliberately began to "think straight," the more fascinated I became with the success power I was releasing from within my own being. Soon, an undreamed talent for writing began to flow forth, and I began sharing my success experiences with Unity readers all over the world.

Still later, as my life continued to be transformed, I felt led to become the family's first lady minister, so that I might help others to learn of the divinely approved secrets for successful living that had meant so much to me.

What a surprise awaited me when I entered the ministry! I had "braced myself" for a solemn, serious way of life. I thought, "This is something I want to do and must do, but I don't expect to particularly enjoy it." Instead, it has proved to be a joyous, satisfying, even fascinat­ing way of life. I have observed hundreds of instances where people have dared to persistently "think straight" and their haves have become straight. Nothing could be more enjoyable, exciting, or soul-satisfying than that!

My son is a teenager now and will be entering college or the armed services before long. A few years ago, I married a college professor whom I met while serving in my first ministry, and we are now busy living "happily ever after." My life is a far cry from what it was, even a few years ago, and it continues to be transformed.


Success Attitudes Are the Secret

The secret for thinking straight might be described as "success attitudes." There is a definite place where you can always go to find out how to "think straight" and acquire success attitudes. There are definite reasons why you have a right to believe you can have every­thing. I will share those dynamic secrets with you in Chapter 1.

Meanwhile, let us consider results others have experienced by daring to believe they could have everything.


Amazing Results of Success Attitudes

A business executive was named assistant to the president of his company, and was able to realize long-desired prosperity for paying off a mortgage and bank note. He also experienced improved health and greater happiness in his home life—after he used success attitudes.

Several wives solved the "other woman" problem through success attitudes. Their marriages are now happier than ever, for the "other woman" in each case simply faded out of the picture.

One woman's previously "shiftless husband" first got year-round work and then formed his own gold and silver mining corporation, after his wife began thinking of him as a success instead of a failure.

Another wife's husband received $250 per month in pay raises within a six-month period. He received a promotion and more respon­sibility in his job and made frequent trips for his company in and out of the United States. As his wife continued to invoke success attitudes, he also inherited a nice sum of money.

A 70-year old retired widower was nearly destitute. Within six months from the time he learned of success attitudes and began to use them faithfully, he inherited a quarter of a million dollars, got married, took his wife abroad on their honeymoon, and then returned to his professional career. A whole new life, from starvation to riches, came to this man when he changed his thinking.

A teenager had been overweight since birth. The diagnosis had been "gland trouble—no cure." Diets had not worked. Through success attitudes alone, this young man lost 17 pounds in three months!

A young college student began using success attitudes concerning a piece of property his family owned. They had hoped to "strike gas" on this property, but geologists' tests indicated that there was no gas on this land. This young man held to success attitudes, encouraged his parents to employ other officials to make further tests. Soon they did "strike gas," from which they are now receiving a prosperous income. Tests for gas are now being made in other sections of their land.

A 17-year-old high school student proved the power of success attitudes during the first weekend he used them on his part-time job at the supermarket. On Thursday, his tips amounted to $2 more than usual for Thursdays. On Friday, his tips amounted to double what he normally made on Fridays. On Saturday, his tips were more than double the tips of all the other boys at the store combined!

A businesswoman had tried in vain for 25 years to buy a piece of property adjoining her ranch. She needed it for the water it would provide her cattle. After using success attitudes, she learned that this property was again for sale. This time she was able to buy it quickly, harmoniously, and for a lower down payment than she had expected to pay!

A businessman, informed that his wife had cancer, held to certain success attitudes, and the diagnosis changed! His wife is now enjoying good health again, and doesn't even know about the previous cancer diagnosis.

A career woman had been secretly living with a married man for several years. Her health and financial success declined as her sense of guilt, frustration and confusion mounted. Through success attitudes she found the courage to leave this man and begin a new life for herself. As she did, her health and financial affairs were adjusted nicely. Life has taken on new and satisfying meaning for this woman.

A widow was sustained through the period of bereavement follow­ing the sudden death of her husband, and was able to make a quick adjustment to the unexpected changes in her life, after turning to success attitudes.

Another widow met, fell in love with, and happily married a wealthy cattleman after adopting certain success attitudes.

Several people watched lawsuits fade away and be settled out of court as they adopted success attitudes.

Success attitudes helped several other people who were recently divorced to build new lives for themselves.

A 72-year-old man was rehired by his previous employer at a salary of $10,000 per year, after adopting success attitudes.

A young couple who had tried unsuccessfully for a number of years to adopt a child were able to quickly do so after employing success attitudes.

A television actress landed a job on a popular network program She was able to accomplish this after a friend, who was a musician, joined her in using success attitudes.

Along with using success attitudes for your own increased health, wealth and happiness, it is good to know that your success attitudes can and do help others.

The specific success attitudes used by all these people and many more will be shared with you in the pages of this book.

Unveil Your Success

I have seen how success attitudes can "lick" every type of prob­lem: in harmony in human relationships, ill health, financial problems, family problems, mental confusion, emotional instability, spiritual un­certainty . . . for people in all types of circumstances.

When my mother-in-law received a copy of my earlier book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, she decided to read it each night after retiring. Like many people, she often reads at night as a sure and com­fortable way of inducing sleep. But as she started reading the book she discovered that instead of putting her to sleep, it woke her up! She said that its words seemed to "leap off the page" at her.

It is my fervent hope that this book will have the same effect upon you. I trust that it will wake you up to your good; that its success secrets will leap off the page at you and find their way into your life.

Go quickly now to Chapter 1 and learn some startling secrets about success. In the chapters following you will find definite success attitudes explained and countless stories .of people who have proved their success power. Begin immediately applying those success attitudes that appeal to you. As you do, your ability to succeed in life will no longer be a secret to yourself or others.

Your success will be unveiled. You will begin to realize that you can have everything!


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